come in造句

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come in造句

2023-08-05 09:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、This alkaline rinse is recommended where carbon steel has come in contact with acidic water.建议将该碱性洗液用于碳钢与酸性水接触的部位。

2、I couldn't tell her that Barbara had come in two hours earlier to say the same thing about Linda.我不能告诉她芭芭拉两个小时前刚刚来过,说了一番和琳达一样的话。

3、The self-contained gardens come in a variety of geometric shapes for tabletop or hanging.这些自足的花园有很多集合形状,可供摆桌、亦可悬挂。

4、In business matters they do not know enough to come in when it rains.在生意上,他们是糊涂人。

5、I’ll come in a jiffy我马上就来。

6、We expect it to come in around June 5th.我们预定6月5日左右进货。

7、Come in out of the rain.快进来, 不要在外面淋雨。

8、Who says great cars come in good-looking packages?谁说好车就一定好看?

9、You have just come in time so I need not look for you.你来了正好,省得我去找你。

10、Requests come in to the load balancer and are directed to an available server in the pool.请求进入负载均衡器,然后被转发到池中一个可用的服务器中。

11、As any hotel marketing manager will attest, negative reviews typically come in two forms.任何一名酒店市场经理都会同意,典型的负面评论会以两种形式出现。

12、Besides egg whites, drugs made of proteins come in the milk of cows and sheep.除了蛋白以外,蛋白质制成的药物还来自牛奶和羊奶。

13、I saw him come in and sit down.我看见他走了进来坐下了。

14、May I come in for a look?我可以进来看看吗?

15、It took little prodding to get the kids to all come in once they understood it was time to eat.只要让他们知道该吃饭了,把孩子们都叫进来也不是那么费劲。

16、New messages usually come in two parts: a title and a main body.新信息通常包含两部分:标题和正文。

17、Quite a lot of order come in the pre christmas period许多订货是圣诞节前来的。

18、Would you like to come in at this point, Prime Minister首相, 您愿意在此刻发表意见吗?

19、While there I remembered the special glue would come in handy in fixing my broken shelf and stool.在店里的时候,我想起特殊的胶水对修理破架子和破凳子迟早有用。

20、I have a project in mind for 2010 and your list will certainly come in handy.对于2010年,我心中有个计划,你的列表定将于不久后奉上。

21、May I come in to add a bath towel?我能进来补充一条浴巾吗?

22、Citrine and topaz birthstone rings come in a variety of shapes and sizes.黄水晶和黄玉诞生石戒指来在不同的形状和大小。

23、My father does not allow me to come in later than 11:00 p.m.Bye!我老爸不许我十一点后回家。再见!

24、Solar storms aimed at Earth come in three stages, not all of which occur in any given storm.扑向地球的太阳风暴分三个阶段,但并不是所有的阶段都发生在特定的风暴中。

25、They come in various sizes, color schemes and embellishments.他们有各式各样的尺寸、颜色,并被作为饰品。

26、Saleslady: Good morning. Just come in and have a look, Sir.女售货员:早上好。进来看看吧,先生。

27、Nobody can come in without permission.未经允许,任何人不得入内。

28、Memory debugging programs can come in handy when you're trying to detect memory leaks.当您试图调试内存漏洞时,内存调试程序(请参阅参考资源)可能派得上用场。

29、Ice ages come in slowly, but go out with a bang.冰河时代来的很慢,但却走的很快。

30、And I know that when I come I will come in the fullness of the blessing of Christ.我也晓得去的时候,必带着基督丰盛的恩典而去。

come in翻译进来, 到达, 流行起来, 当选, 到手【建】 利润 详情




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